Terms & Conditions

Treatment Payments and Appointments

Massage Treatments slots can only be booked by using prepaid massage treatment vouchers.

Upon receiving treatment cost requests via my website contact form, email or text, I will provide you with a detailed treatment quote.  If the quote is accepted I will provide you with an invoice to purchase your treatment voucher.  Once the payment is received you will receive your voucher enabling you to book your agreed treatment.

Once the treatment is booked you will receive a booking confirmation.

All new clients will be required to complete the Medical Consent Form .  The Medical Consent Form should be completed and returned a minimum of 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.

I will not be able to provide a treatment in cases where the Medical Consent Form has not been received.

Rescheduling Appointments and Late Arrivals

I require a minimum of 24 hours notice to reschedule a booked appointment.

Clients who are unwell or experiencing symptoms of illness are required to adhere to the 24 hour rescheduling policy.  I will not be able to treat clients who arrive for scheduled treatments if they are unwell or displaying any kind of illness symptoms.

There is no refund or rescheduling options for not attendance for confirmed appointment slots.

Late Arrivals: It is important that the agreed appointment time and treatment duration is adhered to. I appreciate that there are unforeseen circumstances that may cause you to arrive a little later than scheduled, or emergencies where you have to leave the treatment earlier than expected.   In these instances  I will unfortunately not be able to adjust the treatment costs or slots booked as it will have an adverse effect on my other appointment booked for the day.


All client information and clinical records will be safeguarded by Zané Barlow Massage and will remain confidential. Unless required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us without your consent.

Consultations and client treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.

In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we employ security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. We have also put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We will retain your information for a reasonable period or as long as the law requires.

Health & Safety

I am a qualified Raynor Deep Tissue Massage Therapist and hold a professional and public indemnity insurance for the treatments I provide.

Due to the nature of the massage treatments and the need for the close contact between myself and the person receiving the massage I will ensure the highest standard of personal hygiene and will require the same courtesy in return. Should personal hygiene levels not be acceptable I reserve the right to cancel the treatment without the option to reschedule the appointment.

Booked appointments slots will be cancelled by myself without the option of rescheduling or a refund for below listed reasons as these may be contraindicated to the treatment booked or classified as a potential health and safety risk for me personally:
- If the patient is unwell or displaying any illness symptoms
- If the client is thought to be intoxicated or suspected  to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- If the client is aggressive or abusive in any way
- if the client is making any sexual advances or requests “happy endings”
- If the environment provide for a mobile treatment is not fit for purpose or is not as described during the enquiry and quotation process, or if it’s deemed to be unsafe in any way.

I reserve the right to refuse any treatment if a client is verbally or physically abusive towards me, or demonstrates inappropriate aggressive or sexual behaviour.  Such behaviour will result in future treatment bans and may also result in criminal proceedings.

Clients are asked to disclose any medical issues, concerns and allergies on the medical consent forms, this is to ensure agreed treatments are safe and no liability claims can be made against Zane Barlow Massage where information was not disclosed as required.

Clients under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This parent or guardian must give permission for the agreed massage plan to be performed, and will be requested to co-sign the New Client Consultation Form. They will be invited to stay in the room for the duration of the appointment, and expected to remain present throughout the treatment.


Zané Barlow Massage provides massage therapy and bodywork in a variety of forms, but none of these bodywork modalities are a substitute for professional medical care or counselling. Zané Barlow Massage will not diagnose, prescribe medication or medical treatment of any kind, unless they are personally qualified to do so, and will always recommend referral to a GP or other qualified medical specialist or practitioner.

The client has a duty to provide accurate and true medical and personal information, to the best of their knowledge, and to keep Zané Barlow Massage up to date with details of any medication, symptoms, medical concerns or treatments they are having investigated or undergoing treatment for.

Zané Barlow Massage may refuse to treat any client or part of their body with just and reasonable cause. Zané Barlow Massage reserves the right to terminate any appointment at any time if they believe that it is not safe or in the client’s best interest to continue. Likewise, the client has the right to refuse or terminate a treatment if they feel the treatment is not as advertised.  If a client refuses or terminates a treatment during the booked treatment slot no refund will be issued.